Are you looking for answers in your scentwork journey? Do you feel like every training session reveals more of your shortcomings as a handler? Are you trying to connect with your dog but have no idea what that should look and feel like?
You are not alone! The more time I spend training, the more I realise that scentwork isn't about the end goal, it's about the process of reaching many small goals. Even though I've worked with thousands of dogs and their people over very many years, I'm still learning. And that's what makes it so interesting. Growing in skills and confidence alongside your dog, or your clients and their dogs, is the fun part of the activity. Yes, finding the target scent is rewarding, but the process that gets you there is far more satisfying.
Training is a lifelong journey of learning and self-discovery, and it's exactly those qualities that makes it so rewarding.
You might be ready to be part of a wonderful scentwork team if you answer YES to any of the questions below:
Do you love working with your dog?
Are you ready to ditch the expectation that you need to have all the answers, and allow yourself to be a curious lifelong learner?
Do you want to take off the pressure of needing to conduct perfect searches now and trust instead that every search is teaching you something?
You can make better connections with your dog and work together to achieve joint goals. Your dog wants to understand you just as much as you want to understand her. Talking Dogs Scentwork can be that portal to help you develop the relationship you've always wanted.
These memberships are designed especially for you.
I love telling people that I teach scentwork online. It's not because I enjoy the surprise in their faces or that I get to teach students from all over the world without leaving my home, although both those things make me very happy. What really gets me excited about teaching online is the opportunity I have to change lives through my courses.
I know I'm not a therapist. Or someone who can make you rich and famous. But I regularly get feedback like this:
I never thought my dog could be a detector dog. But your training has shown me that all dogs can be detector dogs - even mine!
The fear of failure and not being a good enough trainer has held me back. Your well explained lessons and good humoured approach are fantastic. Thoroughly enjoyed the experience all the way through to the end to becoming accredited!!
I would just like to say how wonderful it is since I discovered Talking Dogs Scentwork. It has enabled me to have the most fantastic relationship with my dog, better than I could have expected.
Having an anxious, reactive dog is very difficult. Training classes often left both of us frustrated and disheartened. Then we discovered Talking Dogs Scentwork (TDS) and loved it from day one. I love that everything about TDS is centred around the individual dog and her needs.
Having taught scentwork in workshops, classes, 121 and even at conferences, I've come to know that learning can be easier when you can do it in a space where you feel safe. You feel safe getting things wrong. Your dog feels safe knowing there won't be any interventions from strangers. You feel less pressured as you aren't in front of other students. Your dog can experience off lead joy and excitement as she learns. No embarrassment, no fear, no interruptions to your learning.
Understanding that mistakes will be made, misunderstandings will be had and that unintended consequences don't have to mean your training is derailed are all part of the process. Part of the fun. Remember fun is not a bad word. It's why you enjoy spending time together. It's why I can always find scentworkers laughing as they train. It's supposed to be enjoyable. After all, you're not searching for bombs or drugs or fugitives!
This is why I wanted to make my courses and resources available to you for one low monthly (or annual) price that you can choose depending on your goals.
So what's included?
Pro Membership
Pro is equivalent to my previous all access subscription, the success of which sparked these memberships. Enrolling on all these courses would cost you over £1500, and I can't even begin to quantify the value of all their content! You pay £30p/m or save even more by paying £300 annually.
You will also have access to all of the downloadable resources I have developed. This 'done for you' library of resources includes infographics, trackers, guides and books. I'm always adding new resources which you will have access to the minute they're available - and at no extra cost!
Oh, and did I mention the exclusive content? I will be making resources and content just for you. From specific member requests to compilations and brand new materials, all only available to Pro members. Talk about the icing on the cake!
Best for:
Trainers who want to learn more about scentwork for their own dogs. For trainers who want to add supportive scentwork as a new service option. And for non-trainers who absolutely adore scentwork and want to learn as much as they can to enhance their scentwork partnerships.
Growth Membership
With this membership you will have access to 10 courses and the 11 downloads you can see in this montage - which would cost you over £750 to buy individually. You pay £25p/m. or save even more by paying £250 annually. This combination sets you and your dog up to learn the foundations of scentwork right through to specialist searches. You'll learn about target scents, how to design searches and set goals. You'll learn about planning and safety and about how to search everything from cardboard boxes to postal sacks to vehicles.
You get all these courses:
- Puppy Scentwork
- Senior Scentwork
- Teach your dog to sniff!
- Essential Scentwork Skills
- Baggage Searches
- Increasing the Challenge
- Design the Perfect Search
- Stay at Home Scentwork
- Vehicle Searches
- Support Skills
Best for:
Most likely growth members will already have done a little scentwork and know they want to learn more. But it's also suitable for super keen beginners. This tier will take you from complete beginner to experienced scentworker.
Core Membership
With this membership you will have access to 6 courses and 6 downloads. This would cost over £400 if you bought each course individually. You pay just £20 p/m. Or save even more (!) by paying £200 annually. This combination sets you and your dog up to learn the foundations of scentwork. They will take you from complete novice to a scentwork team that can work both simple and complex searches. You'll learn how to choose a target scent, introduce this to your dog and set up starter searches. Then you'll move on to learning the search patterns and techniques that will allow you to search anything and everything.
You get all these courses:
- Puppy Scentwork
- Senior Scentwork
- Teach your dog to sniff!
- Essential Scentwork Skills
- Increasing the Challenge
- Design the Perfect Search
Best for:
Complete novices who want to dip their toe in the scentwork water. Go from complete novice to a scentwork team that can work both simple and complex searches.
Let's get your membership started
Become a member by selecting the membership tier that suits you best.
You can upgrade/downgrade at any time.
When you go to checkout you'll see the total price including VAT.
Q: Why do the prices look different at checkout?
A: Prices at checkout include VAT. You will pay:
Pro - £30pm or £300p/a
Growth - £25p/m or £250 p/a
Core - £20p/m or £200 p/a
Q: Can I move between tiers?
A: Yes, you can upgrade or downgrade at any time
Q: Will I pay more when I upgrade?
A: You will automatically be taken to the checkout page to pay the pro rata balance between your current and your upgraded tier. At the start of your next billing cycle, you will pay the upgraded amount.
Q: Will I lose access to my current courses and my progress when I upgrade?
A: No, you will have access to all your previous courses and resources when you upgrade.
Q: What happens if I downgrade?
A: You maintain access to your current tier until the end of your next billing cycle. At that point you will be charged the lower tier price. You will lose access to courses and resources not included in the lower tier.
Q. How do I upgrade, downgrade, cancel my membership or change between monthly and annual payments?
A: You can do all that by going to the My Memberships tab in your school account.
Q: Will my membership automatically renew?
A: Yes! All memberships automatically renew until you cancel them. Teachable does not send a notice when they charge your card each month or year.
Q: Where can I find help with my account?
A: Teachable has a series of student guides that you can access here.
Q: How do I find the exclusive Facebook groups?
A: You'll receive a link when you start your membership. Or you can go to the main Talking Dogs Scentwork page. On the heading menu, click More and then select Groups. You can then click on your tier group. If you are joining the group for the first time, you need to request to become a member. Once I've verified that you are a member I will add you to the group.
Q: Can I ask for a refund on the memberships?
A: I'm really sorry, but I can't offer refunds on memberships.
Q: How long do I have access to the courses and resources in my membership?
A: You have full access for as long as your membership is active.